Gta 5 stärke leveln online: Was bringt euch Stärke und wie levelt man sie?

Was bringt euch Stärke und wie levelt man sie?

In GTA Online ist einer der Charakterwerte die Stärke. Wir zeigen euch hier, was ein hoher Wert in Stärke bringt und wie ihr das schnell steigern könnt.

Um was geht es? Eure Charaktere in GTA Online haben verschiedene Werte, die man skillen kann. Gleich zu Beginn könnt ihr ein paar Punkte verteilen. Während eurer Abenteuer im Online-Modus verbessert ihr sie noch weiter. Die wichtigsten Stats sind:

  • Ausdauer
  • Schießen
  • Stärke
  • Fliegen
  • Fahren
  • Schleichen
  • Lungenvolumen

In diesem Artikel wollen wir Fragen zu Stärke klären, die sich viele neue und auch bestehende Spieler stellen.

Wofür braucht man Stärke und was macht sie?

Dafür ist das gut: Je mehr Stärke ihr in GTA Online habt, desto stärker schlagt und tretet ihr im Nahkampf zu. Außerdem wird euer erlittener Schaden mit jedem Punkt Stärke reduziert.

  • Euer Nahkampfschaden wird erhöht
  • Ihr klettert schneller Leitern hoch
  • Eure Sport-Fähigkeiten werden verbessert
  • Erlittener Schaden wird reduziert – Auch bei Rüstung

Ihr seht, dass die Stärke ein wichtiger Wert ist, um in der Online-Welt von GTA 5 erfolgreich zu sein. Weniger Schaden kassieren ist nützlich, wenn ihr zusammen mit Freunden in den Heists von GTA Online viele Millionen Dollar einsacken wollt.

Es empfiehlt sich also für jeden Charakter, der Stärke-Wert zu erhöhen. Aber wie stellt man das an?

Stärke leveln in GTA Online

So levelt ihr den Wert: Es gilt in GTA Online die Faustregel, dass ihr nach 20 Schlägen 1 % Stärke dazugewinnt. Da könnt ihr eure Freunde in Online-Sessions boxen oder auf NPCs einprügeln.

Eine Zeit lang war es möglich, auf Autos einzukloppen, in denen Freunde sitzen. Doch das steigert jetzt nicht mehr die Stärke.

Als Biker-Präsident steht euch eine Mission zur Verfügung, in der ihr gut die Stärke skillen könnt

Tipps zum Skillen: Wer ein Biker-Business besitzt, erhält bei einer Mission irgendwann die Aufgaben, aus einem Informant auf einer Baustelle Informationen zu boxen. Den könnt ihr immer wieder treten und schlagen, während er auf der Erde liegt – der ist unsterblich (via reddit).

Andere Spieler auf reddit schlagen vor, die Mission “Blow Up III” von Simeon zu starten. Während der Mission soll man dann zum Krankenhaus reisen und dort Leute verprügeln. Nach einer gewissen Zeit erscheinen Sanitäter, die ein paar Schläge aushalten und zurückboxen. An ihnen kann man gut den Skill steigern.

Alternativ könnt ihr Sport wie Golf oder Tennis ausüben. Dadurch steigert ihr euren Stärke-Wert auch.

Jetzt könnt ihr die Muskeln eures Charakters ordentlich aufpumpen und seid im nächsten Nahkampf schon besser unterwegs.

Doch was bringen euch die ganzen Muskeln, wenn das Geld knapp ist? Viele fragen sich, ob man in GTA Online Immobilien wie Häuser oder Garagen verkaufen kann, um damit wieder Geld zu gewinnen.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 17.09.2013
Genre: ShooterModell: Buy-to-play

GTA 5 Online steht für eine riesige Spielwelt, deren Inhalte stets mit neuen, kostenlosen Updates erweitert werden. In dieser offenen Welt können Spieler für si…


Ø User-wertung

gta 5 online stärke schnell erhöhen.-Möglichkeiten? (GTA V, GTA Online, Level)

Letzte Aktivität: 13.08.2022, 12:32
Details anzeigen

  • GTA Online
  • Level
  • Stärke
  • skill
  • erhöhen
  • GTA V
  • wie kann ich mein stärke skill erhöhen ich suche aktuelle sachen keine gepatchten bitte:)

    4 Antworten


    26. 05.2015, 20:31

    Eine Leiter die ganze Zeit auf und ab Klettern.

    1 Kommentar


    26.05.2015, 20:42

    Faustkämpfe, Golf, Tennis, Armdrücken…


    im Thema GTA V

    26.05.2015, 20:31

    GTA 5 Online: Ausdauer, Schießen und Stärke trainieren und verbessern

    Internet und google: Durchaus brauchbar für Informationen.


    im Thema GTA V

    26.05.2015, 20:39

    Faustkämpfe bestreiten.

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    Grand Theft Auto 5 — GTA Online — Heists

    Prison Break is the second heist on the list that you can complete in GTA Online . In order for it to be available, Lester must call you, after which he will say that there is a new job for you.

    Elite Test .
    Nobody died.
    Rashkovsky took 1% damage or less.
    We met 04:40 on time. nine0007

    Organizing costs: $40000
    This is a team heist for 4 players.

    Final catch:
    Light level (Easy): $ 200000
    Average level (Normal): $ 400000
    heavy level: $ 500000

    The main task is that you need to pull out the maximum Rashkovsky from Bolingbrook prison and he is ready to pay good money for it.

    1. Preparatory task: Aircraft

    In this task, you need to hijack the plane Velum from Mackenzie Airport, on which the vagos carry their contraband. The team is divided into two groups: one player (pilot) boards the plane, which is located in the hangar on the northern part of the runway, and the other three players clear the runway.

    To complete this task quickly, efficiently and without losses, it is enough that at least one player has an armored Kuruma, get into it, and rush to the airport. Now you don’t have to worry about hiding and getting killed. We just drive onto the runway, the four of us kill everyone. nine0007

    The pilot can then safely board the plane without fear of being killed. After takeoff, it is enough for the pilot to deliver the plane to its destination, while the rest of the players can simply enjoy the world around them while the pilot completes his final stage.

    2. Preparatory task: Bus

    You need to steal a prison bus and break away from the police. To do this, you need to get to the bus, which is guarded by a helicopter and a police car. On the way, they will make it clear to you that the bus is guarded for a reason, it transports a particularly dangerous criminal. nine0007

    First you need to get rid of the helicopter. To do this, a shot from an RPG or from a homing rocket launcher is enough. Or we kill the pilot with a sniper or assault rifle, after which the helicopter falls. Next, kill the bus driver and capture him.

    One player on the bus is enough, everyone else must help him with his escort. As in the previous preparatory task, you should get into the Kuruma armored car. This machine will save your life and the lives of your comrades more than once during subsequent tasks. nine0007

    The best escape route is off-road exit. Since the bus is not particularly fast on a good road, you have little chance of getting rid of the chase. Off-road, the bus behaves differently, so it will not be a problem for you to break away from the police.

    Once you’ve got rid of the police, you can’t show yourself to the law enforcement, otherwise you’ll earn one wanted star. If everything went smoothly, then the bus must be delivered to the destination, after which the task will be completed. nine0007

    3. Preparatory task: Station

    Get a copy of the schedule for the transfer of prisoners from the police station. Since you will have to deal directly with the police, then you need to forget about shooting in this task.

    As in the previous task, the team is divided into two groups — the police station and the cargo ship.

    The first group must get the cops’ car and, under their guise, infiltrate the police station to get the prisoner transfer schedule. nine0007

    The second group picks up Casco , Rashkovsky’s car, from a cargo ship in the port.

    The easiest way to get a police car is to call the police by dialing 911 . You will not have your weapons other than a pistol and a baton, so as not to arouse suspicion among law enforcement officers.

    When they arrive, you and your partner must kill the cops. Then you need to reset the wanted stars — look for highway junctions, bridges, places where you will not be noticed not only by cars, but also by a helicopter. When you break away, go to the police station without drawing attention. Don’t take out weapons, don’t kill anyone, don’t hit pedestrians, don’t crash cars, just do everything according to plan. nine0007

    Stealing copies of the schedule will not be any problem if no one pays attention to you.

    Once you have obtained the schedule, you will need to burn the police car under the bridge with a can of gasoline.
    When the task is completed, you will need to deliver the schedule to your apartment.

    Meanwhile, the other team is doing its job. The machine is located in one of the containers on the cargo ship. It should not be difficult to get transport, we shoot at everyone who wants to kill us, we find the container that is at the top, the container itself is easy to find, I will guard it with 1-2 fighters. We kill them and shoot at the castle. Next, the task will be to deliver the transport to the place where we drove the bus in the last preparatory task. They won’t let you deliver this transport just like that, they will start hunting for you, the enemies will be annoying, so shoot accurately. Shooting back from them, remember that you will attract the attention of the police, so be careful. Once you deliver the transport, you will be given the option to help deliver the documents to Group 1, or you can just wait. nine0007

    Bonus: unlocked car Lampadatti Casco for purchase.

    4. Preparatory task: Wet business

    You need to kill two prosecutors and Rashkovsky’s business partner. It won’t take long if you do everything in an organized manner. As in the previous preparatory operation, your gang is divided into two groups — the city hall and the mansion.

    The first team needs to go up to the roof near the city hall and wait for two prosecutors to drive up to the building, they need to be removed from the sniper rifle. They need to be removed simultaneously so that no one rushes to the run. After that, you need to pick up their documents, which will not be so easy, including the fact that 2 dozen policemen will flock to the scene of the murder. In this case, the good old, armored Kuruma will save you, fly into this anthill, kill as much as possible, one player quickly picks up the suitcase, then gets into the car and you rush at full speed away, breaking away from the police along the way. Come off? — Well done, we take the documents to the robbery planning room. nine0007

    Another team drives to the desired building and kills the guards in stealth mode. If it didn’t work out quietly, the main task will be not to miss the target, which will go on the run, in your transport. To provide for this option, it is enough for one player to start killing the guards, while the other one will be in the car, and will be ready to pursue him. After the murder, we leave the sector and go to the apartments, after which the task will be completed.

    5. Prison Break robbery itself

    The team is divided into four roles: prisoner, prison officer, pilot, bomber.

    The prisoner and the prison officer work together, while the pilot and demoman first act alone — the first takes the plane from the hangar, and the second first intercepts the prison bus, after which it will later be destroyed away from prying eyes.

    So, the prisoner and the employee are heading to the prison, on a seized bus, they go inside and have to find Rashkovsky, who is in the central courtyard. As soon as you find him, he starts to follow you. You will have to shoot a lot, and preferably accurately. The prisoner in this task will only have a pistol, while the employee has his entire personal arsenal, so in this case it is better for the prisoner not to be a hero, look for shelter, and not crawl out into open spaces while another player clears the way from the police and special forces. nine0007

    While the prisoner and the employee are breaking out of the prison to the exit, the pilot and the bomber are already fighting with might and main in the air, the main task for the pilot will be to keep the plane intact, since fighters are hunting for it, and those who want to shoot it down, the demolition man has a different task, to shoot down these very fighters, protecting the aircraft.

    After you get out of the prison, get into the armored police van and drive towards the airstrip where the plane will be waiting for you. The police will lose interest in the plane and turn all their attention to you, therefore, the demoman in this situation will have to strain to save the lives of his teammates and Rashkovsky himself. nine0007

    The pilot, meanwhile, should carefully land on the runway and wait for his comrades, when you get there, run to the plane as quickly as possible. The Demoman at the same time provides you with air cover.

    While on the plane, reset the wanted stars, fly over the marker, and after a short cut-scene, jump down with parachutes. We land on the beach, after which the helicopter bomber will pick you up, and you will head towards the city. Having not reached the point, the mission will automatically be considered completed. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief — mission accomplished. nine0007

    Also, after completing the mission, you will unlock the 5-seater plane Vellum and the Prison Bus for purchase.

    GTA 6: Vice City details and release date

    January 13, 2020



    The official announcement is to take place very soon, followed by the first trailer.

    Just the other day, a post with interesting details about Grand Theft Auto 6 appeared on Reddit. nine0007

    Several main characters

    A December post on Reddit stated that the game would have several main characters, with two of them possibly being brother and sister. A fresh leak confirmed and supplemented this information: the main character named Matias Gonzalez will be played by actor John Leguizamo, and fashion model Roselyn Sanchez will play the role of the villain Valeria Madrina.

    John Leguizamo and Rosalyn Sanchez / Photo: MiamiFilmFestival and Rosalyn Sanchez (Wikipedia)

    Vice City and several other cities

    A new leak says players will be transported back to the 1980s and 90s, which would be the perfect time frame to return to Vice City. However, besides this city there will be several others. One of them is inspired by Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA), and the other is inspired by Bogota, the capital of Colombia.

    Bogotá in GTA 6 is likely to be similar to North Yankton in GTA V. Players will only visit this city to complete certain missions. It is also reported that Vice City and Fort Lauderdale will be separated by approximately 9small towns.

    Fort Lauderdale / Photo: Yanjipy (Wikipedia)

    A December post reported that the second US city would be more like Boston.

    Release date for the game

    GTA 6 should be released at the end of 2021 or possibly at the beginning of 2022. At the same time, the first trailer can be expected as early as April 2020, and the announcement itself will take place in February. Such a spread looks quite plausible, because GTA V was first announced about two years before the release.

    Other interesting parts

    • The map of the game is designed with air travel in mind.
    • The 6-star wanted level will return.
    • Online mode will be more story-driven (Red Dead Style).
    • Fuel for the first time in cars.
    • The purchase of personal vehicles will be available to the player.