Gta 5 online welches auto kaufen: GTA 5: Autos kaufen — so geht’s

GTA 5: Autos kaufen — so geht’s

| von
Kevin Linne

In GTA 5 können Sie Autos kaufen und so Ihren Fuhrpark so deutlich erweitern. Dadurch haben Sie mehr Abwechslung bei den vielen Fahrten durch Los Santos. Wo Sie schnelle Schlitten und schicke Trucks herbekommen, verraten wir in diesem Artikel.

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Autos kaufen in GTA 5: Hier finden Sie die Händler

Sowohl in GTA 5 als auch in GTA Online finden Sie alle Autohändler in Ihrem Smartphone.:

  1. Öffnen Sie das Smartphone, indem Sie mit dem Steuerkreuz nach oben oder auf der Tastatur [Pfeiltaste-Oben] drücken.
  2. Wählen Sie das mittlere Symbol in der unteren Reihe aus und starten Sie so die App «Internet».
  3. Hier finden Sie oben einige Menüpunkte. Wählen Sie den Reiter «Reisen und Transport».
  4. Anschließend erhalten Sie die verschiedenen Autohändler in einer Liste und können beim Händler Ihres Vertrauens einkaufen.
  5. Bei «Legendary Motorsport» und «Southern San Andreas Super Autos» gibt es beispielsweise Sportwagen und bei «Warstock Cache And Carry» können Sie Militärfahrzeuge wie Panzer oder Trucks kaufen.
  6. Natürlich finden Sie auch passende Shops für Boote, Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber und Fahrräder.

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Auto kaufen in GTA 5: Shops

Autos kaufen in GTA 5: So kaufen Sie Sportwagen

  1. Wählen Sie einen der oben genannten Shops aus. Anschließend sehen Sie alle vorhandenen Autos in einer Übersicht.
  2. An der Zahl neben dem Auto sehen Sie, wie viele Sitzplätze das Fahrzeug hat.
  3. Wählen Sie Ihr Wunschfahrzeug aus, um auf die Details-Seite zu kommen.
  4. Hier können Sie eine Farbe auswählen und das Auto anschließend kaufen.
  5. Wenn Sie genug Geld besitzen, erhalten Sie eine Nachricht von Ihrem Mechaniker, der Ihnen das Fahrzeug kurze Zeit später in die Garage liefert. Dabei dürfen Sie sich nicht in der Garage aufhalten.
  6. Wenn Sie die Fehlermeldung erhalten, dass Ihnen Platz für das Fahrzeug fehlt, müssen Sie eine Garage kaufen. Das können Sie ebenfalls im Internet tun, indem Sie auf «Finanzen und Dienste» klicken.
  7. Anschließend können Sie Ihr Auto bei «Los Santos Customs» Ihren Wünschen entsprechend tunen.

Auto kaufen in GTA 5: Sportwagen

Wenn Ihnen das Geld für neue Autos fehlt, empfehlen wir Ihnen die besten Aktientipps für GTA 5.

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Die 5 besten Autos und Motorräder für Anfänger in GTA Online

Wir schauen uns hier die besten Autos an, die man sich schon als Anfänger in GTA Online besorgen kann. Sie eignen sich für Rennen, Heists, Stunts und mehr.

In diesem Beitrag wollen wir euch 5 Fahrzeuge vorstellen, die sich gut für Anfänger eignen und in euren Garagen stehen sollten. Teilweise spricht die besondere Preis/Leistung für die Fahrzeuge. Beim Kuruma sind es die vielen Einsatzmöglichkeiten, die diesen Wagen besonders machen.

Diese Liste basiert auf Feedback der Spieler und persönlichen Präferenzen des Autors. Wenn ihr weitere Fahrzeuge habt, die Anfänger in GTA Online unbedingt erstehen sollten, dann schreibt sie uns in die Kommentare.

Zu den schnellsten Autos in GTA Online kommt ihr hier

Elegy RH8

Preis: 0$
Sitze: 2
Klasse: Sportwagen

Was macht den Elegy besonders? Der Elegy RH8 eignet sich vor allem durch einen Vorteil für Anfänger: Der Wagen ist kostenlos. Um euch diese Karre gratis in die Garage zu stellen, müsst ihr euch nur im Social Club anmelden. Mitglieder, die in Rockstars Social Club registriert sind, sparen sich den Anschaffungspreis des RH8.

Zu den Stärken gehören eine gute Beschleunigung, die mit der restlichen Performance gut harmoniert. Denn die Traktion ist nicht zu verachten, der Wagen liegt fest auf der Straße und lässt sich dabei gut steuern.


  • Kostenlos
  • Gute Beschleunigung
  • Solides Fahrverhalten
  • Gut für Zeitrennen


  • Höchstgeschwindigkeit nicht besonders hoch
  • Weniger geeignet für Stunts da Allradantrieb


Preis: 95. 000 $
Sitze: 2
Klasse: Geländemotorrad

Was macht das BF-400 besonders? Dieses Geländemotorrad hat es in unsere Liste geschafft, weil es sich für verschiedene Bereiche in GTA Online eignet. Zieht ihr einen Wheelie, erreicht ihr mit dem BF-400 eine enorme Höchstgeschwindigkeit, die in Rennen nicht zu verachten ist. In Offroad-Rennen habt ihr mit diesem Motorrad vermutlich immer die Nase vorn, wenn ihr keine Fahrfehler begeht.

Zeitrennen sind ein wichtiges Element in GTA Online. Mit dem BF-400 kann man diese Zeitrennen, die über unbefestigtes Gelände führen, leicht gewinnen. Wie beim Zeitrennen Chiliad bergab, das euch in weniger als einer Minute mit über 100.000 $ bereichert.


  • Mittlerer Einsteigerpreis
  • Einfaches Handling für Einsteiger geeignet
  • Favorit bei Offroad-Rennen


  • Ist kein Renn-Motorrad
  • Wenig Einsatzmöglichkeiten

Bati 801

Preis: 15. 000 $
Sitze: 2
Klasse: Motorrad

Was macht die Bati besonders? Die Bati 801 können wir als schnelles Motorrad empfehlen. Das Bike spielt da ganz vorne bei den Motorrädern mit. Besonders gut kommt die Bati 801 als Option für Zeitrennen an. Wenn diese über lange, gerade Strecken gefahren werden, habt ihr mit dem Bike gute Chancen.

Sogar Anfänger haben mit der Bati 801 gute Karten und können darauf problemlos Stunts wie Wheelies oder Stoppies vollführen. Für den Preis von nur 10.000 $ ist das eine Investition wert.


  • Gut für Zeitrennen
  • Niedriger Preis zum Ausprobieren
  • Gut für Stunts


  • Punktabzug beim Handling bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten
  • Weniger starke Beschleunigung

Schafter V12 (gepanzert)

Preis: 325.000 $
Sitze: 4
Klasse: Zivilistenfahrzeug

Was macht den Schafter besonders? Der Schafter besticht durch eine solide Höchstgeschwindigkeit. Wir empfehlen euch hier die gepanzerte Version, doch den Schafter V12 gibt es auch ungepanzert. Vorteile an der Panzerung habt ihr vor allem im Online-Modus, da ihr damit die Explosion einer Mine überlebt.

Sollte es ein gegnerischer Spieler also auf euch abgesehen haben und eine Bombe auf der Straße platzieren, könnt ihr mit Glück noch entkommen. Wobei andere Autos explodieren würden.


  • Hält eine explosive Waffe aus (1 Granate, 1 Sticky Bomb, 1 Panzer-Schuss)
  • Trotz Panzerung relativ schnell
  • 4 Sitze für viele Mitspieler


  • Hoher Anschaffungspreis für Beginner
  • Kein Rennwagen

Kuruma (gepanzert)


Preis: 525.000 $ bzw. 698.250 $
Sitze: 4
Klasse: Gepanzertes Zivilistenfahrzeug

Was macht den Kuruma besonders? Um die erste Frage aus dem Weg zu räumen: Ihr erhaltet nach dem Fleeca-Heist einen dicken Rabatt auf den Kuruma, weshalb hier zwei Preise angegeben sind. Bei diesem Wagen handelt es sich um die gepanzerte Version des normalen Kurumas.

Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit könnte man als „okay“ abstempeln, eher im Mittelfeld. Das Fahrverhalten ist berechenbar. Euch muss klar sein, dass ihr diesen Wagen nicht kauft, um Rennen zu gewinnen.

Der Haupteinsatz des gepanzerten Kurumas sind Missionen und Heists. Dank seiner Panzerung haben NPCs es besonders schwer, euch auch nur ansatzweise in diesem rollenden Bunker zu verletzen. So könnt ihr mit diesem Wagen Missionen wie „Ein Job für einen Titan“ ganz bequem erledigen, indem ihr alle Gegner aus dem sicheren Auto heraus erledigt.

Gegen Explosionen ist der Wagen allerdings nicht gerüstet. Im Gegensatz zum Schafter V12 Armored hält der gepanzerte Kuruma keine Rakete oder Sticky Bomb aus, ohne zu explodieren.


  • Top-Auto für Missionen
  • Im Online-Modus sicher vor schießwütigen Gegnern
  • Stabile Fahrweise bringt euch sicher von A nach B
  • 4 Sitze für das Raubüberfallteam


  • Hoher Anschaffungspreis
  • Nicht vor Explosives geschützt
  • Nicht besonders schnell

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 17. 09.2013
Genre: ShooterModell: Buy-to-play

GTA 5 Online steht für eine riesige Spielwelt, deren Inhalte stets mit neuen, kostenlosen Updates erweitert werden. In dieser offenen Welt können Spieler für si…


Ø User-wertung

GTA Online Manual: Personal Vehicles

GTA Online

LS Customs

The people of Los Santos are very proud of their cars.

They spend most of the day in them. In them, they ignore their families. In them, they learn to beware of their own kind. No wonder they strive to give their cars a unique look.

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As soon as there is news, we will tell you about GTA 6, and now follow the latest news on GTA 5 and GTA Online.

  • You can make any non-premium vehicle your personal vehicle by installing a tracking device on it.
  • You can also insure any vehicle on which a tracking device is installed. If the insured vehicle is destroyed, you can claim the sum insured by calling Mors Mutual Insurance (their number will be added to your phone contact list as soon as you insure your first vehicle).
  • Vehicle modifications may give you certain advantages in races, however, be aware that the race organizer may prohibit the use of personal vehicles in order to level the playing field.
  • If you die in a confrontation with the police, your car will be confiscated. If you don’t collect it or call another personal vehicle from your garage, it will be destroyed. However, you may be able to claim the insurance payout for it by calling Mors Mutual Insurance.

Other people’s cars

No self-respecting modding shop will work with cars «borrowed» from their rightful owners.

The most technically advanced and luxurious vehicles must be purchased legally. Look for great deals on the gaming internet.

  • Premium luxury vehicles cannot be stolen because tracking devices are installed on them. These vehicles must be purchased through the gaming Internet legally.

GTA Online manual continued:

  • Interaction Menu
  • Personal transport (open now)
  • Your phone
  • Cases
  • Lobby Affairs
  • Friends and gangs
  • Money
  • Real estate and garages
  • Sites
  • Interface

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* wishes you a good day and night!*

GTA 5 Online cars and how to make money fast

In GTA 5 Online cars are the favorite means of transportation for all players.

The developers understand this, and therefore have added a huge number of their varieties for greater comfort.

  • Purchase and storage
  • Top speed supercars
  • Sports cars
  • All-terrain SUVs
  • The key to success in speed
  • The most expensive car
  • The fastest motorcycle
  • Tuning
  • Theft and sale of cars
  • Racing

Find out all the information about them, read about which car is the fastest or most expensive in this material.

Purchase and storage

For any user, dealing with vehicles in the world of Los Santos will be a difficult task. The list of GTA 5 cars is simply huge, and it will not be easy to choose the most pleasant model for yourself. Developers regularly add more varieties to add variety to the gameplay. The first and easiest way to get a car would be a typical theft. Here, restrictions are present only on premium class cars. They have tracking equipment, and therefore stealing them is not beneficial for the player.

Car storage garage

These cars must be bought legally and for this you must use the internal Internet. It is enough to take out your smartphone, enter the network and select the “Transport and travel” category there. A list of sites that sell a variety of cars will appear on the screen. If you regularly browse the pages, you can find the most advantageous offers at a low price.

It is not necessary to buy transport. It can also be stolen

Before buying, you should take care of the storage space for vehicles. To do this, the player must have a garage in the house or a separate similar building. After the acquisition, the vehicle will appear in it instantly.

Supercars for Top Speed ​​

New GTA Online vehicles appear frequently, and the Supercars category is no exception. These cars are characterized by maximum travel comfort and high speed. There are currently nine such models. The developers call each car by its own names, but in reality they have prototypes.

Airplane on wheels

For example, Bugatti Super Veyron is called Truffade Adder here. The car has unusual shapes, the number of doors is 2, the speed limit is 340 km/h. You can buy it for a million dollars in the gaming Internet. Vapid Bullet is a model that exactly resembles the Ford GT.

Features fast acceleration to maximum. The car model called Cheetah By Grotti, in concept, is the prototype of two well-known supercars at once — the Ferrari Enzo, as well as the Koenigsegg Agera. In previous parts of the series, the car also appeared. It is convenient to hide from persecution, commit robberies and just enjoy the speed on the roads of Los Santos. The fourth car in the Entify XF category is reminiscent of expensive cars called Lamborghini Murcielago and Pagani Zonda.

Sports car for professionals

The Turismo R is considered the prototype of the Ferrari P4/5 and the McLaren P1. The last three supercars are named Vacca, Voltic and Zentorno. In reality, these models correspond to the brands Lamborghini Gallardo, Lotus Elise and Lamborghini Sesto, respectively. All cars of this class are double.

Sports Cars

If the player can’t afford supercars, then you should take a closer look at sports cars in GTA Online. They can also surprise with their parameters. First of all, 9 should be attributed to this class.F and 9F Carbio are the famous prototypes of the Audi R8, which are famous for their speed. Buying the Banshee and Buffalo models, which are incredibly similar to Dodge Vipers and Chargers, is also a good choice.

Luxurious supercar for summer trips around Los Santos

The last car seats four people, which is a nice change from the general list. The car also has a copy with the number «2», which is somewhat different in terms of parameters. Carbonizzare and Comet cars will suit Ferrari California front and Porsche 9 fans11. A car called Coquette by the name itself makes it clear that it looks like a Corvette C7.

The Elegy RH 8 range is as close as possible to the Nissan GT-R, differing in speed, acceleration, but poor braking. Feltzer and Karin Futo cars were added based on different brands of the world famous Mercedes-Benz company. The first car is an order of magnitude higher in all respects than the second. Fans of exquisite appearance will approach the purchase of Jester and Fusilade sports cars.

Racing car for lovers of speed

They were added to the game inspired by real Acura NSX models with Chrysler Crossfire. Khamelion can be considered a unique car because it has absorbed the features of three cars at once — Aston Martin Vanquish, Maserati Granturismo and Fisker Karma Sunset. Based on some of Mitsubishi’s lineups, Sultan sports cars have been added to the game, as well as Penumbra. The last three cars in this category are Rapid GT, Massacro and Surano. The first two were inspired by the Aston Martin Vanquish and Vantage, and the third by the Jaguar F-type.

Off-road vehicles for traveling on any terrain

With jeeps, there is also plenty of variety in GTA Online. There are three Blazer models with different coloring and appearance. The classic car was created on the basis of a real prototype Yamaha YFZ450. The other two brands are the author’s modernization. The Bifta car, which in reality is known as the Meyers Manx, boasts an unusual appearance. BF Dune Buggy and BF Injection are machines that can overcome any obstacles on the way. Their appearance was taken from the Sandrail and VW «Baja Bugs» models. It is worth noting that on the basis of Sandrail, the developers also created the Space Docker SUV.

Great for trail riding

If you want to experience real power, then you should get behind the wheel of the Bravado Duneloader. Powerful SUV is a detailed copy of the Dodge WM300 Power Wagon. Another car in the game called The Liberator can compete with this jeep in terms of the size of the wheels and body. This is a real monster, which obeys any road. Bodhi and Dubsta 6×6 cars are getting closer to the classic look. For the first brand, the Land Rover Series III car served as a prototype, and for the second Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6X6, which also has six wheels in the design.

Real six-wheeled off-road vehicle

The usual American car Jeep Wrangler, which in GTA Online is called Mesa 3, was not missing. The other four models resemble typical SUVs that are common in the United States. Two Sandking models are based on the Ford Super Duty, the Rancher XL is actually based on the Chevy Suburban, and the Rebel is the Toyota Hilux.

The key to success in speed

Fans of fast cars have always been interested in the question of what is the fastest car in GTA Online. The answer is the Truffade Adder supercar, which was added to the game with an eye to the real Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport model. It is worth noting that this was before the appearance of various additions to the game.

Now the palm has moved on to other cars, but the Truffade Adder is still worth considering as one of the best vehicle purchases. The developers have redesigned the design somewhat, and it looks more like a Saab Aero-X car. This is seen in wheels, bumpers and headlights. The side elements bear a resemblance to the Super Veyron. Any user can buy such beauty for himself in the in-game Internet.

The key to success in speed is an unrealistically fast car

The cost will be in the region of a million dollars, as mentioned above. Such a car will always have a tracking device, and therefore simply stealing it and making it yours will not work. If there is a desire to try out the car before buying, then you should be aware of the places of its rare appearance. Sometimes Truffade Adder can be found in the parking lot in front of the Vinewood hills residential buildings.

More often this supercar can be seen in front of Portola Drive, near the Rockford hills. It is these places that users who are interested in the car should check. Even without verification, it should be noted that it will not disappoint any buyer with its characteristics and appearance.

The most expensive car

Each new update from the developers in the world of GTA Online brought changes that also applied to vehicles. For a long time, the most expensive car was the Progen T20, for which players had to pay $2.2 million.

With the new update, the supercar, which was created on the basis of McLaren and LaFerrari, was relegated to second place. Now the championship is held by an incredibly beautiful car called the Grotti X80 Proto. Its price reaches 2.7 million local currency. For that kind of money, the player gets a supercar that is as similar as possible to the Ferrari F80.

The most expensive racing car

Thanks to the carbon inserts, the weight of the car has been significantly reduced, and the four-wheel drive makes it easy to manage. Convenience for such money is provided on the verge of possible. It is the Grotti X80 Proto that is currently the fastest car. Even with high acceleration, dynamics in movement are maintained.

The racing prototype that every racer deserves

Drivers should be careful with their speed as the light weight can tip over when cornering. The shape of the body makes the character an easy target to shoot, exposed tires are also an easy target. These are the only disadvantages that the most expensive car in the game has.

The fastest motorcycle

Motorcycles are no less popular vehicles in the world of GTA Online. They are convenient for movement and many players give preference to them, and not to cars. In order not to lose in speed to the owners of other motorcycles, it will be useful for players to learn about the fastest model in the game. This vehicle is called the Shitzu Hakuchou and can be purchased for $82,000. The maximum speed reaches a mark of 150 km / h. The concept was inspired by the real Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle that was released in 2008.

One of the fastest motorcycles in GTA 5 Online

The side fairings of this vehicle are adorned with a Chinese character that means «death». In appearance, it resembles a slightly modernized Bati 801 model, but has several fundamental differences. First, Shitzu Hakuchou’s weight is a bit more. Secondly, the frame is wider, and this indicator affects the complexity of management. The weighted mass is explained by the ability to develop greater speed.

This prevents the motorcycle from trying to take off with every extra movement. This type of transport takes quite a lot of damage from small arms. It is recommended to use Shitzu Hakuchou in races, but only after a few trainings, otherwise you should not expect victory.


If a player plans to collect vehicles, then one should not forget about the possibility of upgrading them. In the standard form, any car can lose a race to a player whose car is an order of magnitude worse, but with all possible upgrades. If you purchase vehicles, but do not upgrade, then this will be money thrown away.

Tuning is carried out in several categories. Initially, the machine is repaired if it is required. If you improve the engine by four levels, then the car will receive an additional 15-17 percent to the maximum speed. It will cost 13400 dollars. The second improvement should be the brakes, because speed entails difficulty in handling.

Tuning — a guarantee of prizes in races

There are four types of upgrades from this category, the cost varies depending on the class of transport. The maximum mark in the price reaches 17.5 thousand currency. The gearbox provides an additional 5 percent when accelerating the car, and the suspension helps to cope with cornering. Turbocharging is a must-have upgrade for any car.

It increases the acceleration rate by a quarter, and it will be useful for participating in any races and robberies. Wheels and painting are only responsible for beauty, they have nothing to do with technical characteristics. When testing for one lap time in a race, any player will feel their advantage after installing all the improvements.

Theft and sale of cars

Any player who wants to earn money and increase reputation should be interested in selling cars in GTA 5 Online. This activity adds variety to the gameplay and allows users to accumulate the required amount to buy a sports car or supercar. You can do this once every 48 minutes. That’s how long a day in Los Santos lasts. The second obstacle on the way will be finding expensive cars. Sale of cars is carried out in auto repair shops. The player can drive around the city and look for expensive models, but this activity does not always bring results.

Steal and sell cars to earn money

It’s better to just hunt in expensive areas, from where it will be a short drive to a car repair shop. The car must be delivered intact, otherwise you will have to pay extra for repairs before selling. You cannot sell premium cars or supercars. The highest revenue can be obtained for the Lampadati Felon GT model.

They pay 9.5 thousand dollars for it. Five hundred units less for the Gallivanter Baller and the standard brand Lampadati Felon. Around 8.5-8 thousand can be obtained for loot in the form of Obey Rocoto, Benefactor Schwartzer, Ocelot F620 and Ubermacht Oracle. The main thing here is to find the most favorable place for yourself and devote some time to thefts.


Purchased vehicles can be used not only for normal trips around the world of Los Santos. They demonstrate the class of the character, but they are also convenient to use in a variety of races. If you buy the fastest car, improve all the characteristics on it and cope with the controls, then you can compete in a wide variety of competitions. The only obstacle may be the organizer’s ban on the use of their own cars, but this does not always happen. Winning Classic Races earns you the rewards and reputation you need to level up.

Participate in street races. They have a chance to earn some good money

Here it should be noted that the competition involves the destruction of their opponents. For greater safety in the auto repair shop, you should put additional armor on your vehicle. There is no opportunity to use weapons, but in skillful hands the machine itself becomes one.