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Wie bekommt man bei GTA V online schnell viel Geld? (Computer, Technik, Internet)

Letzte Aktivität: 30.08.2022, 00:48
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  • GTA
  • PlayStation 3
  • GTA V
  • Hi,

    ich wollt mal fragen wie man bei GTA online schnell viel Geld bekommen kann. Gibts dar en paar Tricks oder Bugs??????? Ich bräuchte so ca. 350-500 Tausend GTA-Dollar…

    Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe


    PS.: Leute/Hacker dir mir was überweisen wollen…herzlich wilkommen 😀 😀 😀

    3 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    18.01.2014, 12:10

    Geld von anderen beziehen zu müssen ist immer eine Form von Schwäche, außerdem ist es einem dann nicht so wichtig, wie selbstverdientes Geld.

    Im offline modus hat man irgendwann so viel geld, dass man sich ALLES leisten kann, und dann machts nicht mehr sooo viel spaß

    online merkt man erst mal wie wenig geld man eigentlich hat, und wie viel man für munition ausgeben muss.

    Ich empfehle dir autos zu verkaufen, aber keine rennwagen, die nehmen sie nicht, nimm eher suv’s (8000$-15000$), die kannst du meist nur einmal pro spieltag verkaufen, also musst du die lobby wechseln, so kann man in nem kleinen zeitraum schon ordentlich geld verdienen, um sich mal wieder was zu kaufen, und dann ist man sogar richtig stolz drauf 😉


    12. 01.2014, 16:36


    Mit diesem Trick kannst du sehr schnell an viel Geld rankommen:

    Ich würde dir ja Geld geben aber seit dem auf die DNS Server Hotfix gepackt wurde geht es nicht mehr. Aber ich kenne viele Youtuber die Open Money Lobbies veranstalten.

    z.B. Der Youtuber StandartSkill (Sehr empfehlenswert): Schau mal täglich auf dem Kanal vorbei er hat immer neue bzw. hilfreiche Videos.




    11.01.2014, 23:17

    Hacken geht seit dem neuen Patch nimmer bei der Ps3 zum Glück hatt ich es davor noch getan im Spiel geben dir immer wieder Leute Geld es gibt dann einen Trick bei dem Rennen um das Gefängnis » Krimminell und Schnell » com/watch?v=adRPE6IGXQQ

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    Geld verdienen Guide – 220.000 GTA-Dollar in fünf Minuten farmen

    1. ingame
    2. Gaming News
    3. GTA


    Von: Adrienne Murawski

    In GTA Online braucht man immer eines: Geld. Wie ihr aktuell in fünf Minuten über 220.000 GTA-Dollar scheffeln könnt, verraten wir euch hier.

    New York – In GTA Online ist es wie im echten Leben: Wer sich etwas leisten will, braucht Geld. Geld in GTA Online zu verdienen, funktioniert teilweise jedoch etwas anders als in der Realität und geht derzeit wesentlich schneller als im echten Leben. Aktuell könnt ihr innerhalb von 5 kurzen Minuten mehr als 220.000 GTA-Dollar verdienen und müsst dafür nicht mal besondere Skills haben.

    Name des Spiels Grand Theft Auto V
    Herausgeber Rockstar Games
    Entwickler Rockstar North
    Serie Grand Theft Auto
    Plattform PS5, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox 360, PC
    Genre Open-World, Action-Adventure
    Release 17. September 2013

    GTA Online: In fünf Minuten mehr als 220.000 GTA-Dollar verdienen

    In GTA Online könnt ihr derzeit in weniger als 5 Minuten ordentlich Kohle scheffeln. Dafür braucht ihr nicht einmal besondere Skills, ihr könnt also auch als blutige Anfänger:innen mit diesen Tipps in wenigen Minuten über $ 220.000 verdienen. Alles, was ihr dafür tun müsst, ist an zwei einfach Autorennen teilzunehmen und danach einen Teil der neuen Schatzsuche zu finden. Das bringt euch satte 222.000 GTA-Dollar ein. Jeweils $ 101.000 für die beiden Zeitrennen und nochmal $ 20.000 für den Schatz. Ihr solltet das Geld also unbedingt mitnehmen, einfacher geht es schließlich nicht. Diese Zeitrennen müsst ihr fahren:

    • Zeitrennen Tongva Valley
    • Zeitrennen Kanäle von Vespucci

    Für das Zeitrennen von Tongva Valley braucht ihr euer „normales“ Auto, Turbo-Boosts sind nicht erlaubt. Der Grotti Vigilante ist bei diesem Rennen also leider raus, aber mit dem Ocelot Pariah habt ihr gute Chancen die Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Auch der Grotti Itali RSX, der Pegassi Toreador oder der Pfister 811 sind eine gute Wahl für das Tongva Valley Zeitrennen. Um die Belohnung von 101. 000 GTA-Dollar zu erhalten, müsst ihr das Rennen nämlich in weniger als 58,8 Sekunden beenden. Das sollte mit einem der genannten Wagen aber kein Problem darstellen.

    GTA Online: Schnell Geld verdienen mit Zeitrennen und Schatzsuche

    Das zweite Zeitrennen ist ein Autorennen für RC-Autos und nennt sich Kanäle von Vespucci. Hier fahrt ihr also einen der ferngesteuerten kleinen Wagen und flitzt nicht mit eurer eigenen Karre über die Kanäle. Auch diese Strecke ist relativ einfach und kann sogar mit dem ein oder anderen Unfall rechtzeitig erledigt werden. Hier dürft ihr 1:53 Minuten brauchen, um das Rennen zu beenden. Schafft ihr diese Zeitvorgabe, erhaltet ihr ebenfalls $ 101.000.

    GTA Online: Schnell Geld verdienen – $ 220.000 in 5 Minuten © Rockstar Games/pixabay (Montage)

    Damit hättet ihr in weniger als drei Minuten bereits 202.000 GTA-Dollar verdient. Wer jetzt noch etwas obendrauf setzen will, sollte sich noch auf die Suche nach dem Schatz machen. Dieser spawnt jeden Tag an einem anderen Ort, denn das Schiffswrack ändert jeden Tag seine Location. Wir haben euch alle 30 Lcoations des Schiffswracks in GTA Online aufgelistet, sodass ihr den Schatz schnell finden könnt. Sobald ihr diesen gefunden habt, bekommt ihr $ 20.000 on top.

    Anschließend könntet ihr noch im Casino vorbei schauen. Dort bekommt ihr jeden Tag die Chance ein Auto zu gewinnen. Seit dem letzten GTA Weekly Update von KW 34 handelt es sich hierbei um den Vapid GB200. Normalerweise müssen Spieler:innen dafür ganze $ 940.000 hinlegen.

    GTA Online — multiplayer in GTA 5 online

    GTA Online is a GTA 5 multiplayer mode created by Rockstar Games and rendered into an almost independent game. The plot of Grand Theft Auto Online is partially intertwined with the plot of GTA V, but the events in the online game take place a little earlier.

    Game logo:

    As soon as there is news, we will tell you about GTA 6, and now follow the latest news on GTA 5 and GTA Online.
    nine0005 GTA Online Heist

    • Character Creation
    • Bad behavior
    • Property
    • Awards
    • How to make money in GTA Online
    • Gangs
    • Codes and secrets
    • Transport
    • Entertainment
    • Robbery

    All GTA Online entries

    August 15, 2013 Rockstar Games released the first gameplay video. Now a lot of time has passed and we offer you to watch the gameplay of GTA Online, relevant in 2021:

    Cayo Perico Island in GTA Online

    In Grand Theft Auto Online, Rockstar Games implements in a multiplayer game everything that was previously possible only in single player mode . Now you can do whatever you want. nine0005

    This is a huge, living, developing world inhabited by different characters. With many mechanics designed for online play, an extensive list of competitions and entertainment for all tastes.

    When you arrive in Los Santos, you will have many opportunities to earn and spend money. Have fun and get into trouble. You can act alone, making friends and making enemies, or join a gang. Get together and take a liquor store, or challenge yourself in classic modes, or maybe do something else. By completing tasks you will earn money and reputation. Funds can be spent on changing the appearance of the hero, on clothes, modifying weapons and vehicles. Starting to earn big, you can buy an apartment and invite friends to visit or buy a garage and a variety of equipment, and then take part in land, air and water races. Or maybe you’ll just ride around. All your actions will serve to develop your career. You will have access to new characters, new tasks, rewards and almost limitless possibilities. nine0005 Vehicles in GTA Online

    Rockstar will constantly expand and supplement the game. In addition, you can create your own races and battles using the built-in editor, and then share your creations with the whole world or test other people’s designs. Grand Theft Auto Online brings the main hallmark of the Grand Theft Auto series to online play — unlimited freedom.

    Cheaters in GTA Online

    The problem of cheaters is the main headache of any multiplayer online game. Unfortunately, Grand Theft Auto Online is no exception. On the positive side, Rockstar Games is actively fighting scammers and banning them in a timely manner. The system with the blocking of crooks, already tested on Max Payne 3, also helps. Any player can easily report cheaters. nine0005

    Having problems logging into GTA Online? Check the status of the servers right now.

    Download GTA Online

    Additional download of GTA Online is not required. All you need is a licensed version of Grand Theft Auto V and a paid subscription for PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360. PlayStation 3 owners can enjoy online play for free.


    Set your desktop wallpaper from GTA Online, which will remind you of your favorite game every time you turn on your computer. nine0005

    Where to buy GTA Online?

    GTA Online cannot be purchased separately on disc or downloaded from Steam. The thing is that the network game is only bundled with any version of Grand Theft Auto V.

    You must have exactly the licensed version of GTA V, activated and linked to your Social Club account.

    You can buy GTA 5 directly on our website.




    The main feature of the dlc «Arms Trade» is a large military bunker, which any wealthy player can purchase as a property. In the future, the underground structure is used to open new weapon modifications and trade in military equipment.

    Motorcycle in GTA Online

    Various updates and additions are periodically released for GTA Online. The main task of updates is to eliminate existing errors both in the game mechanics and in translation (localization). Absolutely all updates are completely free and must be installed. Without them, you won’t be able to play with other people. nine0005

    You can find out exactly what changes the add-ons bring to the game from the news on the main page of

    New Year 2023 has already arrived, and the holidays are still going on! Order on our website the official Premium Edition of GTA V with GTA Online support and get Bonuses in the game: $1,000,000 for GTA Online as a gift. You can legally buy for rubles and play in any country. We have licensed and high-quality goods. A lot of new things are waiting for you in GTA Online!

    GTA 5 online works in Russia and other countries. Now you can buy GTA Online Premium for PC and get a lot of benefits from Rockstar Games in GTA 5 online mode and the complete edition of Grand Theft Auto V with all updates and additions. Super!

    gameplay review, missions, game modes

    One of the main advantages of GTA 5 and GTA Online is the support for multiplayer mode. GTA Online first became available to users on October 1, 2013. The game is considered standalone, although the original GTA 5 disc is required to launch the game world.
    GTA 5 was released for PS4 and Xbox One in mid-November 2014. GTA 5 for PC was released on April 14, 2015.

    GTA Online is based on the cartography of Grand Theft Auto 5. Players are free to travel around the world, interact with it and other users from different countries. Each player tries to make his character unique. For this, real estate objects, cars, clothes, aircraft, weapons and other props available in the game are purchased.

    Teams and individual players can take part in dozens of different activities: attacks on criminal organizations, truck robberies, impromptu street racing and other events. Individual missions are available exclusively in multiplayer. nine0005

    Game zones can be conditionally divided into 2 worlds: «open world» and «local world». In the first case, a common virtual environment is organized without observing predetermined rules and tactics of behavior. In the second case, the game world is localized for the participants of the Verifed Jobs missions.

    Participants in one of the localized missions play in separate sessions and do not interact with players from the «open world». Verified Jobs can be organized within one of the modes, including races, deathmatches, survival missions, etc. The maximum number of participants and some other parameters will depend on the selected mode and organizer settings. nine0005

    The number of available Verified Jobs depends on the rating of individual teams and players. The higher the status, the more opportunities. Users can create their own missions using the developer tools available in the game.

    Game modes in GTA Online

    • Free Mode ( free mode ) refers to the multiplayer functionality. It is present in the fourth and later versions of GTA.
    • Deathmatch ( death contractions ). The main principle is «kill or be killed». The mode refers to a multiplayer game focused on at least 2 people. The user who earns the maximum amount wins. Money is paid for every kill. There is also «Team Deathmatch», in which teams fight each other, and «Last Team Stading», whose rules are almost identical to those of Team Deathmatch, except that killed players do not respawn. nine0024
    • Race Each user can play in single mode or with friends. Members get the opportunity to earn additional RP bonuses and cash. Races are divided into 4 subspecies: classic, air, water and bicycle.
    • Rally The mode first appeared in GTA Online. Unlike conventional races, a navigator rides with the driver, who acts as a coordinator on the road.
    • Capture The essence is simple: 2 teams, 2 bases and 2 valuable objects that need to be captured. The team that first captures and delivers a valuable object belonging to rivals wins.
    • Survial Players need to successfully complete 10 stages. Winners receive $30,000. Players who die before reaching the end will have to remain spectators until the end of the game.
    • Hold ( Hold ). Team mode in which players must collect and save the maximum number of valuable objects. They can be found on the ground and taken from the enemy team.
    • Contend ( capture and hold ). The game mode is similar to Capture. The main difference is that there are not 2 valuable objects on the map, but 1. It must be found in the center of the area and delivered to your base. Then he disappears and reappears on the ground.
    • Raid ( raid ). In a team confrontation, you need to infiltrate the opponents’ base, steal a valuable object and deliver it to your territory. The game counts. The team that collects more valuable objects than opponents receives the maximum number of points.
    • Parachuting Up to 8 users can participate in the game mode. They skydive over scenic spots and must pass several checkpoints as they fall. nine0024
    • Adversary Modes These are a variety of missions given out by Martin Madrazo, in which two teams of players compete in challenges, under completely different rules. These modes were added with the release of the Heists Update. There are many Adversary Modes and Rockstar Games periodically adds new ones as updates come out.
    • Heists These are special missions added with the release of the Heists Update, in which a group of players will perform complex and varied missions, from robbing banks to organizing a prison break. nine0024

    General description of gameplay in GTA Online

    Let’s designate the main features of the GTA Online gaming environment. The information will be useful for beginners and partly for experienced gamers.

    Player activity is rewarded with reputation points (RP) and cash (GTA $) needed to make purchases. As the character’s rank increases, new weapons, hairstyles, vehicles, and additional missions become available. The higher the rank you need to score to get admission to a particular mission, the more cash and bonuses you can get during its passage. High-ranked characters of authority can enjoy additional gameplay features, which include using a mobile phone, lowering the wanted level, calling in air reinforcements, and other privileged features. nine0005

    You can find jobs and tasks in GTA Online in the «open world» using markers that mark the desired addresses. The task can be simplified by using the appropriate list of tasks in the «pause» menu. Players have the right to create jobs on their own, join friends before the start and during the game session, and also accept invitations from friends on their phone. To increase income, you can bet on yourself or other players.

    The gameplay in GTA 5 and GTA Online is very similar, although there are significant differences. They lie in the «mechanics» of game events. For example, the police don’t try to arrest players online, and wanted levels go up very quickly. Three stars are awarded for killing a policeman, 4 for illegally invading Fort Zancudo. nine0011
    Selected characters present in GTA 5 will also appear in GTA Online. A notable exception to the characters is the absence of Michael and Franklin. It will be possible to see Trevor and the new criminal boss — Gerald.

    The chronological chain of events in GTA Online is set before the start of single player action. Martin Madrazo, who encountered Michael in GTA 5, is still seen in the palatial house in Vinewood Hills.

    A kind of «ban» can be imposed on each player, which will lower the character’s rating in the eyes of other players and will not allow them to participate in certain tasks. The «ban» is temporary and can be imposed if other participants in the game consider that the user has a negative impact on the «open world» or behaves incorrectly. nine0005

    Character customization

    GTA Online does not provide for the possibility of a root change in the appearance of the main character. It is inherited from the «parent» characters. Their choice is available to the user. For example, Niko Bellic from GTA 4, Claude and Misty from GTA 3 can be taken as the “parent”. Having chosen one of the characters as the main one, it will be very problematic for the player to replace him in the future.
    Players can continuously and seamlessly work on the image of the character. You can change clothes, choose new tattoos, hairstyles and masks that are sold in stores throughout Los Santos. Along with the image, a choice of daily actions is available that will affect the initial skills of the character. nine0005

    Players can have up to 2 characters with unique settings. After selecting them, the rest of the characters will be blocked.

    An interesting feature of the game is the character’s response to the current player. When the player starts talking through the microphone, the character’s lips begin to move.

    Money and activities in GTA Online

    The basis of economic prosperity in GTA Online is RP and money. Their number directly affects the player’s ability to purchase almost any object in the game, including apartments, cars, planes, wardrobe items and much more. Also, money can be useful to launch individual missions and tasks. nine0005

    The internal currency of the game can be earned by completing tasks, winning competitions and other activities. It is possible to exchange real money for virtual currency through internal Rockstar stores.

    «Money» players can quickly acquire apartments and garages to be able to store personal vehicles. It can be used in Free Roam, Races and Single Missions.

    The cost of garages is in the average range of $ 25-100 thousand, low-end apartments — $ 80-120 thousand. Mid-level apartments will cost from $125,000 to $150,000, while high-level apartments will cost up to $400,000. All apartments from 205 to 400 thousand have the same design finish. Housing from 400 to 500 thousand dollars is considered a pure exclusive with a unique interior. nine0005

    How to make a lot of money in Grand Theft Auto Online? Unfortunately (or fortunately) there are no cheats for GTA Online. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get rich quick. The inquisitive mind of the player will sooner or later decompose any game into its component parts and find a way. Actually, this is what we do — we share our gaming experience with you, so that you feel like a fish in water online. There is a detailed article on our website, where all the ways we found to make quick money are accessible and simply described, as well as any kind of money in general. And we play GTA, believe me, a lot. nine0005

    GTA Online Crews

    There are two main types of teams — private and public. The number of private teams (gangs) does not exceed 1000 people, while public associations can have an unlimited number of members.

    Playing in a team brings additional privileges to its members. In particular, they receive an additional 10-20% bonus on top of the regular RP bonus. Increasing cash rewards for racing competitions. The amount of the bonus directly depends on the number of players in the team. In addition, only teams can take part in individual missions, single players are not allowed. nine0005

    Additional functionality is provided for team players in GTA Online. You can create your own color schemes and logos. Emblems can be applied to personal vehicles.

    GTA Online missions and missions

    There are approximately 500 jobs in GTA Online at any one time. Their list is constantly updated. You can get a new task by walking around the virtual world, calling or answering a call from an NPC by making a choice in the corresponding menu item. nine0005

    Car mods that improve their appearance and technical characteristics are allowed to race. Players can create their own racing tracks and deathmatch deathmatches using the developer’s Content Creator tools.

    By selecting one of the available missions, the user can view the list of participants, invite friends and join the game. While watching the participants, you can learn their basic skills of driving, shooting, flying, endurance. nine0005

    The main types of tasks are:

    • Racing. Players have to overcome a series of checkpoints. The better the result, the higher the reward and reputation of the character.
    • Death contractions. It’s simple and brutal: the player or team with the most kills scored wins.
    • Survival. The player will have to survive under the onslaught of enemies that attack again and again with increasing force. The longer you manage to hold out, the higher the reward will be. nine0024
    • Capture. The classic goal for a team challenge is to capture the flag before the enemy does. To win, you will need to work out a strategy and coordinate friendly players.
    • Joint missions. The common goal is achieved only by team efforts. Depending on the chosen vacancy, participants can be assigned different roles (snipers, carriers, etc.).
    • Competitive missions. Several teams are invited to complete the same task (steal a car, eliminate a target, etc.