Gta 5 online ps4 geld: Top 5 GTA Online money glitches on the PS4

GTA 5 online ps4 money/Geld glitch? (Internet, Games, TV)

Letzte Aktivität: 28.12.2022, 15:23
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  • Hallo, kennt ihr einen momentan funktionierenden Money glitch für die Ps4 oder tipps & tricks wie ich am besten bei GTA 5 online Geld verdienen kann? (autos verkaufen, welche Missionen etc. )


    4 Antworten


    02.07.2015, 20:18

    zZJayBossZz heißt so ein Youtuber glaube ich. Der ladet immer noch GT-Glitch Videos hoch

    1 Kommentar


    02.07.2015, 19:22

    Tja, das weiss wohl fast keiner hier. Und YouTube wird Dir auch nicht mehr helfen können, da Gameplays mit Gta V glitches verboten worden sind. Der Kanal wird sofort gelöscht und man bekomm ‘ne saftige Buse. Das ist Dreck…. :/ L.G 😉

    1 Kommentar


    06. 01.2016, 19:53

    ich kenne einen, geht aber nur zu zweit. hast du interesse zusammen zu machen?

    1 Kommentar


    im Thema Games

    03.07.2015, 06:08

    Nein die Zeiten mit den guten Glitches wo man extrem viel verdient hat sind vorbei, aktuell gibt es auch noch Glitches aber so wenig wie man dort verdient lohnen die sich nicht.

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    Published by: GTA5 ModMenu

    Published at: 10 months ago




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    Ammu-Nation shooting range in GTA V

    Going to the shooting range is the fastest way to fully upgrade your weapon skills in GTA V . The shooting range is open from the very beginning, after completing the mission «Franklin and Lamar». There are two such establishments in the game and both are located in Ammu-Nation stores in Los Santos: the first is on Elgin Avenue in Pillbox Hill, the second is in the Cypress Flats area. Finding them is easy, the mark on the map is . nine0005

    Admission is $14. Just go to the table on the far wall of the room and press / to start. If the hero’s arsenal does not contain any necessary types of weapons or cartridges, then they can be opened for the duration of the shooting, having received «gold» in tests for other barrels of the same class.

    There are several types of missions offered to the players at the shooting range, mainly based on the rate of fire and accuracy. Targets appear after a countdown, and the round ends if all of them are destroyed or time runs out. nine0005

    Accuracy tests are scored based on which part of the target you hit. The outer black circle is worth 10 points, the blue circle is 25, the red is 50, and the yellow bullseye is worth 100.

    Additional points can be scored thanks to multipliers. Four hits in a row double the points earned in the future, that is, the fifth shot exactly in the center will cost 200, not 100. Starting from the sixth well-aimed hit, a triple bonus is accumulated. Again, you need to hit the target four times, then the tenth and all subsequent shots will bring three times more points. Any miss resets the multiplier, and the chain will have to be built from the beginning. When using automatic weapons, one mistake is forgiven. nine0005

    There are three trials in total for each type of firearm. Like other missions in the game, shooting is judged by medals: bronze, silver, and gold.

    To reach the final 100%, you need to earn rewards of any value in all tasks. For existing players in GTA V on PS3 or Xbox 360, when returning to the enhanced version on modern consoles and PC, there are four additional railgun bonus challenges that do not count toward 100%. nine0219 2 800 Moving targets, retract automatically. 2,000 10,000 20,000 One moving target, retracts automatically. 650 3,000 15,000

    Submachine Guns

    Weapon Selection:

  • Micro SMG
  • SMG
  • Assault SMG 906
  • 07
    Test conditions Bronze Silver Gold Static targets with the ability to flip, retract automatically. 4,000 6,000 12,000 Several moving and overturning targets, retract automatically. 1 250 2 500 7 500 Moving targets with variable height, retract automatically. nine0220

    3,000 5,000 10,000

    automatic machines / Assault Rifles

    Proposed weapon selection:

  • Assault Rifle
  • Carbine Rifle
  • 7

  • 0202020 Bronze Silver Gold Static targets, removed after three hits. 2 500 3 550 7550 Several moving and overturning targets, retract automatically. 4 750 7 500 17 500 Moving targets with variable height and speed, retract automatically. 1000 3,000 5,000


    Suggested weapon selection:

  • Pump Shotgun
  • Sawed-Off Shotgun
  • Assault Shotgun
  • Bullpup Shotgun
  • Test conditions

    Test conditions Bronze Silver Gold
    Static targets, removed after one hit. 22 32 46
    Moving and static targets. Shoot at closer targets for maximum points. 290 590 700
    Moving targets, removed after one hit. Use spread when shooting for maximum points. 14 18 23 Bronze Silver Gold
    Moving and respawning targets are removed after multiple hits. nine0220

    4 500 5 500 7 500
    Remote row of single targets, retracted automatically. 5 500 12,000 40,000
    Targets are removed after multiple hits, new targets constantly appear. 7 500 19 000 32,000


    Suggested weapon selection:

  • Minigun
  • nine0217

    Test conditions Bronze Silver Gold
    One row of respawning targets. Constant hits increase the multiplier. 10,000 25,000 50,000
    Targets are removed after multiple hits. Constant hits increase the multiplier. 15,000 30,000 45,000
    Infinitely respawning targets, removed after multiple hits. Constant hits increase the multiplier. 20,000 40,000 70,000


    Railgun Challenges on PS4, Xbox One and PC will only be available to players who have completed at least the GTA V Prologue on PS3 or Xbox 360 from their game profile linked to their Rockstar account Games Social Club.

    Suggested choice of weapon:

  • Railgun
  • Test conditions Bronze Silver Gold
    Static and moving targets. Try to destroy as many as possible with each shot.