Cod cw season 3: Season three (cold war) | Call of Duty Wiki

Call of Duty Cold War and Warzone Season 3 – everything we know

Are you ready for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 3? It feels like we’ve known about the biggest change to the battle royale game for some time now. The leaks have all but confirmed there will be a new Warzone map, but there’s plenty of other things to look forward to.

Every season new weapons and maps are introduced to Cold War, and most of those weapons end up making their way to Warzone at some point in time. One of the biggest changes to both games in Season 2 came in the form of new weapons: the FARA 83, LC-10, and ZRG 20mm. These guns didn’t make a huge splash in Warzone, but they’ve been used a lot in Cold War’s multiplayer modes.

Zombies is also set to receive new content this season, most likely in the form of a new Outbreak map which could take the zombie fight over to Berlin. It’s important to remember that all of the leaked content for Season 3 is unlikely to launch at the same time. The devs usually like to space out their content drops over the course of a season. Here’s everything we know about Cold War and Warzone Season 3.


The Season 3 update is being split into three separate release times. Call of Duty Cold War Season 3 will start on April 20 at 9pm PDT, or April 21 at midnight EDT / 5am BST. The big Warzone event that will change the map is called Operation Rapid Sunder – this event kicks off on April 21 at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 8pm BST. Finally, the Warzone Season 3 update launches a few hours after the event begins on April 21 at 9pm PDT, or April 22 at midnight EDT / 5am BST.


The latest leaks have revealed the new map coming to Warzone is actually an ‘80s version of Verdansk. We’ve known for some time now that the developers want to synchronise the timelines between the Cold War campaign, zombies, and Warzone. It looks like the impending Nuke event is going to send Verdansk back in time, finally bringing the battle royale mode in line with the other modes.


After months of community feedback, the developers have announced Season 3 will also come with a number of important balance changes. Roze, one of the most used operators, is being adjusted to improve her outfit’s visibility.

There are a lot of changes coming soon that we think you’ll be happy to see:

• An adjustment to Roze
• A significant balance pass to weapons such as the Tac Rifle Charlie, M16, FFAR 1, and Sykov
• Fix for MW weapon perks + sniper glint
• Change to how you acquire the RC-XD

— Raven Software (@RavenSoftware) April 16, 2021

The FFAR 1, Sykov, M16, and Cold War AUG are also being adjusted after they proved to be too powerful compared to the rest of the weapons. The glints that should appear on sniper rifles haven’t been working as intended for a few weeks now – this is also going to be addressed in the Season 3 update.


Four new maps will be joining Cold War’s multiplayer mode: Yamantau, Diesel, Standoff, and Duga. Yamantau takes place in the crumbled remains of the Soviet observatory on Mount Yamantau, located in the Ural Mountains. Diesel is a classic Americana-style town with multiple variations for 6v6, 2v2, and 3v3 available at launch.

Standoff is the classic map from Black Ops II, though this won’t be available at launch. Finally, Duga is a multi-team map also taking place in the Ural Mountains. This map won’t be available until mid-season, however, it is available to play in Outbreak at launch.


The zombies boxes dotted around Verdansk have finally reached 100%, finally delivering the zombies experience many people were hoping for. Right now the zombies are confined to the Shipwreck and Prison, but there are now radiation zones to worry about. Our how to become a zombie guide breaks down all the steps you need to transform into an undead being.

Gora Dam keeps the water out, but it’s also keeping the zombies IN…

⚠️ Threat Level: Hopeless
🌊 Objective: Survive

— Call of Duty ⚠️ (@CallofDuty) April 15, 2021


The return of the Ballistic Knife sees Treyarch’s classic Sticks and Stones mode returning to Cold War. In this party mode, players are equipped with R1 Shadowhunter crossbows, a Ballistic Knife, and a Tomahawk. You can earn points by killing enemies with your weapons, but avoid being killed by the Tomahawk as that will reset your score to zero. The first person to reach the score limit wins.

Multi-Team Elimination is a last-team-standing mode featuring Cold War’s biggest maps. In teams of four, fight to survive the expanding radiation zones while hunting for weapons, armour, and scorestreaks. The first squad to board the exfil chopper wins the game.


Wraith, Knight, and Antonov from the Warsaw Pact are joining the cast of operators in Cold War and Warzone. Wraith is the only operator available at the beginning of the season and is available in the Season 3 battle pass. Knight and Antonov will be available to purchase in separate store bundles. An alternate version of Captain Price is also available for free in Cold War and Warzone – just sign into the game during Season 3 to unlock him.


There are six new weapons joining Cold War and Warzone through Season 3: PPSh-41 (SMG), Swiss K31 (Sniper Rifle), Ballistic Knife (melee), CARV. 2 (tactical rifle), AMP63 (pistol), and Baseball Bat (melee). The PPSh-41, Swiss K31, and Ballistic Knife will be available at launch.

And that’s everything we know about Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 3. If you haven’t dropped into Verdansk for a long time, or you want to try out some meta loadouts, give our best Warzone loadout drop guide a read. The latest gun to join the game is the Sykov pistol – check out our Sykov how to unlock guide to get your hands on this overpowered gun.

Warzone™ Season Three Patch Notes





  • Loot that spawns across both Verdansk and Rebirth Island has been adjusted as follows…
    • Streetsweeper
      • Common variant removed from ground loot
      • Uncommon variant removed from ground loot
      • Rare variant removed from Supply Boxes
      • Epic variant removed from Supply Boxes
    • Hauer 77
      • Common variant added to ground loot
      • Uncommon variant added to ground loot
      • Rare variant added to Supply Boxes
    • The Streetsweeper’s wide availability fostered a dynamic where passive play was incentivized and rewarded. We do not think this type of play is particularly compelling for either party when players do not have the necessary tools in the early-game to effectively counter it.




  • Fixed additional map locations in Verdansk that allowed players to reach out-of-bounds areas. This is on top of the locations that we addressed last week.
  • Fixed a bug causing Player models to initially load as low resolution at the start of a BR match.
  • Fixed a bug with the Cold War AK-47, FARA 83, XM4, and RPD where they were having their ADS Move Speed and Firing Move Speeds decreased with the Tactical and SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stocks rather than increased.




We would like to preface the following Weapon changes by providing you with some insight on our thought process.

There are millions of you, and when we reduce the effectiveness of a weapon, we are bound to make a change to someone’s favorite gun. As players of this game ourselves, it pains us just as much. However, we remain torn. We are the custodians of this game—we make it for you. In the same light, we are charged with maintaining the health and integrity of the game. In some instances, this requires us to reduce the effectiveness of some universally cherished weapons. When we make a change like this, our intent is the promotion of diversity. We believe what makes a game truly engaging is choice. When we diminish that choice, we take away the agency to play the game your way. This can happen when a weapon becomes so effective that simply not utilizing it puts you at a disadvantage. 

With that being said, we feel we are close to a ‘balance homeostasis’ where most options are at the very least viable. Which leaves us to address Time to Kill. The following balance changes are part of our ongoing efforts to raise TTK or at least the individual skill required to reach extreme ones. We ask that you consider these changes not as targeted attacks, but rather as part of a larger initiative to raise the skill ceiling.

We want to give you the runway and the platform to show us your epic plays and proudest moments. We hope that journey of mastery brings you as much enjoyment as it does us.


description of the fish, where it lives, when it pecks, spawning, what it eats

Cod is a predatory fish of the cod family. It is a familiar food product available to any average family. Always on sale, has an attractive price. The most popular representative of the species is cod.

The value of this fish is in its low-calorie white meat, which saturates and fills the body with a lot of useful substances. Its nutritional properties are not lower than those of red fish. Cod is large, has a minimum number of bones, so it is often used in the daily menu, used in diet food.

Cod is difficult to confuse with other fish. It has a characteristic appearance. A large head and upper jaw stand out, under which the lower jaw is barely visible. The chin is decorated with a short mustache. Gill slits are enlarged. The mouth is large.

The body of the fish is wide in the chest and elongated in the tail.

It has soft fins:

  • 3 dorsal fins;
  • 2 anal;
  • 2 undertails.

The belly and lower jaw of the fish are white. The color of the sides and back may vary depending on the variety of cod. It varies from yellowish to shades of brown or light olive.

The back and sides are covered with dark spots that distinguish cod from other fish species. The sides are slightly lighter with a gradual transition to a white belly. The scales are small pointed, well cleaned.

There are several main types of cod. Some of them are divided into subspecies. They have external differences and different sizes, the names come from the habitat. The classification of fish includes pollock.

Cod varieties are as follows:

  1. Atlantic.
  2. Pacific (Far Eastern).
  3. Greenlandic.
  4. Arctic.
  5. Pollock.

Atlantic cod is the largest and subdivided into subspecies:

  • Atlantic;
  • White Sea;
  • Baltic.

Subspecies — Atlantic lives in temperate zones and the northeastern part of the ocean, in the Barents Sea, in the waters from the coast of North Carolina to the island of Greenland. Can reach 2 m in length. The belly of these fish is white or yellowish, the back with shades of green or brown is covered with gray-brown spots.

White Sea cod is found in the sea of ​​the same name and its bays — Kandalaksha, Dvina and Onega. It grows no more than 60 cm in length, darker in color than the Atlantic fish.

The Baltic subspecies lives in the central part of the sea, a smaller number — in the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. Its length does not exceed 1 m, weight — 12 kg.

Pacific (Far Eastern) cod is found massively in the northern part of the ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the Bering Sea. Differs in a large head with an average length of 50-90 see

Small Greenland cod. The maximum length reaches 80 cm. This type of fish is common in the waters surrounding the shores of the island of Greenland.

Arctic cod has two subspecies:

  1. East Siberian. Inhabits coastal zones of North America, Greenland, waters of Siberia. It reaches a length of 0.5 m, the maximum weight is 1.5 kg.
  2. Ice. Inhabits the western part of the Arctic Ocean, off the northern and northwestern shores of Greenland. Length no more than 30 cm, large head, mustache is often absent or underdeveloped.

Pollack is different from cod. His body is already, he is small. The back is gray or almost black. The fish is covered with small silvery scales. Pollock is found in large quantities in the Pacific Ocean. Often found in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Sea of ​​Japan and the Bering Sea.

Cod is a fast growing fish. Most of its species reach 40-50 cm in length by 3 years. In the future, an increase in the size of cod largely depends on the living conditions of the fish and life expectancy.

Atlantic cod can live up to 25 years, Pacific cod a little less than 20 years, Greenland cod 10-12 years. At the same time, the growth of individuals does not stop. Therefore, large fish are often found in some habitats.

The leader in size is Atlantic cod. With a maximum length of 1.5-2.0 m, its weight can be 90-95 kg. Pacific fish ranks second in the main parameters. Its maximum size is 1.2 m, weight — no more than 23 kg.

Cod species that feed mainly on plankton are not large. These include pollock. Its average length is 50 cm, weight does not exceed 5 kg.

The predominant habitat of cod is the cold waters of the seas and oceans of the Northern Hemisphere. Only a few species of fish are found in the seas and oceans of the Southern Hemisphere.

But this does not mean that cod prefer low temperatures. She feels comfortable in the warmer water column. The fish remains active, grows normally, develops and reproduces at an ambient temperature of +2 to +10°C.

It is shallow, so it often does not fall below 100 m. In the open sea it is found at a depth of 150-250 m. The fish does not move away from the continents. All species live in salt water, with the exception of burbot.

It is caught in fresh waters of North America, Asia and Europe. Large stocks of fish in the cold rivers and lakes of Central Europe. It is found in almost all fresh water bodies of Russia. Large reserves of burbot in the rivers of Siberia.

The largest number of cod inhabits the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. There are fish stocks in the Norwegian, Baltic, Barents Seas.

Habitat conditions greatly influence the lifestyle of cod. So the currents of the Atlantic Ocean move fish over considerable distances, migration is habitual for them. Pacific view does not change location. Only in the cold season it deepens to 50-60 m. When it warms up, it returns to comfortable living conditions.

Cod is an active predator that quickly changes depth and type of food. It eats plankton, mollusks, crustaceans, squid and small fish. It may even be her offspring.

The fish is very prolific — each individual lays millions of eggs once a year. Some of them are eaten by the inhabitants of the water depths. Others turn into fry, which immediately unite in flocks.

The first spawning of cod takes place at different ages. The arctic species of fish begins to breed first of all — when it reaches 4 years. Pacific cod spawn for the first time at 5 years old, Atlantic cod at 8 years old. In the future, spawning takes place every spring. To do this, the fish descends to a depth of 100 m in certain places.

The hatched fry feed on plankton. Then add large crustaceans. After 2 years they become predators, and begin to eat smaller fish. Cod in such conditions gain weight faster, grow in length. Fish reaches its maximum fat content in November-December. By spring and during spawning, it is lost.

Cod is a valuable commercial fish in many countries of the world.

Caught at the age of 3-4 years, when it reaches a certain length:

  • small fish — 35-50 cm;
  • medium size — 50-70 cm;
  • large fish — over 70 cm.

Cod fishing is carried out mainly by trawling. Only Norwegian anglers and partly American anglers catch fish on an industrial scale with nets, longlines, and hand rods.

The main part of cod is harvested in the waters of the Atlantic, pollock — in the Pacific Ocean. Russian vessels fish in the Baltic, Barents and Far Eastern seas. Partially it is imported from Norway

In some countries of Europe, the USA and Canada, artificial breeding and rearing of cod has begun. But the amount of fish received is incommensurable with industrial fishing.

Fans of amateur fishing go to sea on a boat, cutter or yacht to hunt cod.

They usually fish at a depth of up to 50 m, less often — up to 100 m or more. Fishing is carried out during the daytime. The vehicle is in free drift. The cod fishing season is October-February.

The content of useful and nutritious substances in cod liver is richer than in the fish itself. The most important vitamins for the body, micro and macro elements, the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids — all this is in the offal. They are complemented by the excellent taste of tender liver. The nutritional value is 613 Kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Canned cod liver is consumed. It is harvested in its own fat, does not undergo heat treatment. Therefore, the composition and properties of 90% remain unchanged. The liver is used to prepare many different salads, snacks, sandwiches, rolls.

Prepare delicious stuffed eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, tartlets. A large number of vegetables, herbs, canned corn, avocados, olives, hard cheese and other products are added to salads and snacks. Therefore, the dishes are tasty and not oversaturated with fat.

Beneficial effect on the body of vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids in cod liver:

  • vitamin A improves the quality of vision, skin, nails, hair;
  • vitamin B6 is involved in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, therefore it eliminates anemia;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin D is involved in the absorption of calcium in the body, which is important for strengthening bone tissue;
  • magnesium in interaction with calcium improves bone growth, positively affects the coordination of movements, relaxes muscles;
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids remove bad cholesterol, improve the quality of blood vessels and blood circulation, brain function, and stimulate the functioning of the immune system.

Fish liver also helps to normalize hormonal levels, activates the production of testosterone in men, increases strength and energy. It is a raw material for the production of fish oil and preparations containing it.

In small quantities as part of a vegetable salad or a sandwich, the offal is useful in losing weight. It significantly increases metabolism. It is important not to overeat and do not forget that the liver is many times fatter than fish, use it carefully.

This product is contraindicated in people with thyroid disease, hypotension, allergy to the product, kidney or gallstones.

Cod caviar is no less useful than liver. The chemical composition of these products differs slightly. A feature of caviar is the zero content of carbohydrates in it.

It is consumed fried, harvested by preservation, pickling, sterilization. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is different. If raw caviar has a nutritional value of 129 Kcal , then salted caviar — 88 Kcal , fried — 200 Kcal .

This product has a low glycemic index due to the absence of carbohydrates. Therefore, it has no contraindications for patients with diabetes mellitus. The digestibility of caviar is slowed down, the feeling of satiety is present for a long time. It is recommended for use by adults and children over 3 years of age.

Positive qualities of the product:

  1. Iodine in caviar improves the condition of the thyroid gland in hypothyroidism.
  2. Vitamin C and trace element cobalt have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.
  3. Vitamin A is good for skin, nails and hair.
  4. Iron contributes to the production of hemoglobin, increases its levels in the blood.
  5. Zinc has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the body.

Regular use of caviar improves metabolism and digestion, relieves nervous tension.

The preparation of the product is carried out with the addition of salt. Therefore, caviar is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach, kidneys, urolithiasis, hypertension. Also, the use of the product is prohibited if you are allergic to it.

Cod is a staple in many diets. It is easily digested and absorbed, has a low calorie content. It also provides complete nutrition. It has everything necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, long-term consumption of fish is not harmful to health.

It is used in therapeutic diets and various weight loss programs. Cod dishes are suitable for fasting days. The calorie content of cod is 69 Kcal per 100 g of fillet.

The nutritional composition of cod is as follows (bzhu):

  • proteins — 16 g;
  • fat -0.6 g;
  • carbohydrates — 0 g

No carbs, low fat and plenty of protein to keep you full and get the energy you need without gaining weight. In combination with vitamins, trace elements and Omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients increase activity without signs of fatigue.

It is important to properly prepare the fish menu so as not to add extra calories. In addition, the flesh of cod is rather dry. Therefore, it must be stewed and baked with vegetables and sauces so that the fish is saturated with their juices.

The maximum amount of useful substances is preserved after steaming, in a slow cooker. The nutritional value of fried cod and grilled cod is significantly increased.

The staple of a healthy diet is fish. Therefore, cod should be used more often in the daily menu. Those who want to lose weight can safely include it in a fish diet. A positive result with health benefits will be provided.

Cod | Fishology — fish encyclopedia

Cod is perhaps the most famous fish among its many relatives. Thanks to this, cod was honored to become the founder of a whole fish family that unites cod and its close relatives. Almost all of these relatives are well known to any buyer: haddock, pollock, pollock, saffron cod, blue whiting and polar cod. Distant relatives of cod are also hake and burbot.

In the old days, cod was called “labardan”, and the fish got its modern Russian name because of the peculiarities of the meat, which cracks when it is dried. According to another version, cod got its name due to the peculiar crackling sound made by huge shoals of fish going to spawn. The origin of this sound, cod, is due to the contraction of the muscles of the swim bladder.

She prefers the cold waters of the northern seas, which are located exclusively in the northern hemisphere. The largest variety of these fish is found in the North Atlantic. But with all this, too low temperatures also do not like cod. The fish feels most comfortable in water with a temperature of 1-10 degrees Celsius.

Cod grows throughout its life, and most fish grow to an average length of 40-50 cm by 3 years. , while the weight of cod can be about 96 kg.

The Atlantic cod is a long-lived fish, some individuals of which can live up to 25 years. Pacific cod live, on average, about 18 years, Greenland cod — 12 years. The life expectancy of the Kildin cod is only 7 years.

In the cod caught, everything goes to work. Fresh cod meat contains less than half a percent fat and nearly 20 percent pure protein, making dried cod a concentrated protein that can be stored without spoiling like fatty fish can. Today, there is a special relationship with white lean fish — having it on the table is rightfully considered a condition for a healthy lifestyle.

Due to the high content of Omega-3 (1/10 g in 100 g), cod has become one of the most recommended foods by nutritionists. Fatty acids are a powerful preventive measure for diseases of the joints, heart, brain, as well as cancer.

Interesting facts:

The most prolific creature on the planet is undoubtedly the female cod. In one mating season, she can lay more than 6 million eggs. Sometimes a day she lays several hundred thousand eggs.

Every tenth fish caught in the world is cod. It is one of the most popular commercial fish in Russia.